GSR is a great event! Fantastic run of 10 flat miles around Southsea and Portsmouth. The location is brilliant for any spectators that are with you, not only for vantage points but for entertainment too. Yesterday we were blessed with some fantastic weather which made it all the better.
The run itself is busy, with 20,000 hitting the start line. It remained busy and, at times, even small bottlenecks but nothing major. However I did manage to find my pace quite early on and settle down. The first half felt really strong and I kept creeping up the field. At mile 8 I soon realised I’d been a bit ambitious and just really struggled to keep momentum, but there was great support amongst the runners and the finish was soon in sight.

This was my first run of distance for about three years and it was good distance to ease myself back into getting ready for some future half marathons. As always the prep is the hard bit and I don’t think I’d ever do it without the support of RR on runs as well as all the messages of support and well wishes.
Jo Currie
October 2015